What is Nurtured Heart Approach?
The Nurtured Heart Approach® (NHA) is a relational framework for creating healthy relationships across a variety of settings. Developed by Howard Glasser to help intense children succeed by using their intensity in positive ways, the NHA can be used to help all relationships flourish and thrive.
NHA strategies focus on building inner wealth in youth, staff, and others by creating, recognizing, and energizing moments of success, refusing to give energy to negativity, and setting clear and consistent expectations and consequences. Through these strategies, the NHA helps children transform the way they perceive themselves, their caregivers, and the world around them.
There are 3 Stands of Nurtured Heart Approach®, that when committed to, become a powerful means of transforming children:
Stand 1:
Absolutely No! Refuse to energize negative behavior.
Stand 2:
Absolutely Yes! Relentlessly energize success.
Stand 3:
Absolutely Clear! Provide clear and consistent rules and consequences
Since 2017, Partners for Kids and Families, Inc., has embraced The Nurtured Heart Approach® throughout Burlington County and surrounding areas. The NHA strives to educate by providing workshops and strategies to improve communication as well as relationships within families.
Workshops are free and are held both virtually and in-person.
To schedule a Nurtured Heart Training click on NHA Training Request or contact us at: [email protected]