Wraparound Approach

Our approach to working with youth and families is based on the wraparound values, which include the following:
Voice and Choice
Youth and families are our full partners in our work together. The planning process should reflect their values, beliefs, and choices.
We will develop a Child-Family Team with the youth and family. The team will meet a minimum of every 75 days to create an Individual Service Plan (ISP) that will generate strategies to meet the youth and family’s needs and link them to community resources. The team is a balance of paid formal supports (for example, a therapist, teacher, probation officer, Family Support Organization) and natural supports (for example, other family members, friends, neighbors, or clergy). All decision making is done through the Child-Family Team.
By providing local resources and supports that are easily accessible, the Child-Family Team seeks to safely maintain a youth in their home and community.
Natural Supports
Partners actively encourages the youth and family to include people on the Child-Family Team who are a part of their network of community supports.
All Child-Family Team members will work together to develop and implement an Individual Service Plan (ISP) which will address the youth and family’s needs.
The Child-Family Team tailors the Individual Service Plan (ISP) to address the unique needs of each youth and family.
Cultural Competence
Our culturally diverse staff is prepared to work with youth and families from different experiences and backgrounds. We respect each family’s unique beliefs, values, and culture.
All youth and families have strengths. Our job is to help identify those strengths and use them as building blocks for developing strategies in the Individual Service Plan (ISP).
The Child-Family Team will continue to assist the youth and family, never giving up, especially when experiencing challenges and setbacks.
We will have objective and measurable ways to show progress for the youth and family.
The Individual Service Plan (ISP) will have strategies and resources available to the youth and family after they have transitioned from Partners for Kids and Families.